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These are the questions frequently asked, so please refer to them before getting in contact with the Entity.

What is the difference between Information Agreement and Format and Logo License Agreement?

Information Agreement is only for study or evaluation purpose. FLLA allows a licensee to use specifications solely to develop, manufacture, and sell the BD products, plus to have the right to use the BD logo.

What is the fee for BD-ROM Commercial Audiovisual Content license?

The fee for BD-ROM2 and BD-ROM3 Commercial Audiovisual Content license FLLA is $4,000 for a licensed term of 5 years.

The BD-ROM2 FLLA licensee receives BD-ROM Part 2: File Systems Specifications and Part 3 Audio Visual Basic Specifications version 2.4 for 2D. The BD-ROM3 FLLA licensee receives BD-ROM Part 2: File Systems Specifications and Part 3 Audio Visual Basic Specifications version 2.4.

Do all authoring houses have to obtain BD-ROM2 and/or BD-ROM3 Commercial Audiovisual Content license?

Authoring houses intending to be engaged in rather sophisticated BD-ROM authoring are encouraged to obtain Commercial Audiovisual Content License and actually study the relevant BD-ROM2 and/or BD-ROM3 spec books.

By obtaining Commercial Audiovisual Content License, in addition to the access to the spec books there are two other advantages.

All those authoring houses intending to purchase an “off-rack” tool and engage in simple authoring task only, may opt not to obtain a Commercial Audiovisual Content License.

I am a BD-ROM2 licensee. When I received BD-ROM2 agreement, there is a CPA agreement attached. Do I need to sign the CPA agreement, too?

The CPA is attached as a Schedule D and for reference only and is a part of BD-ROM2 FLLA. It is attached to explain the Third Party Beneficially right provided to the CPA licensees.

Is Information Agreement a renewable contract?

No. If a recipient wishes to keep IA, it should be contracted again. And delivered specification books should be returned to the License Office upon expiration of IA. New books are sent to the recipient after the execution of the agreement.

What is the term and the fee for IA?

It can be contracted by each different part of books. If you contract only one kind of spec book, then the fee is $2,500. If two kinds, $4,000 in total. If three, $5,000 in total. If four, $6,000. The fee for third book and onward books are $1,000 each.

The term of IA is one year.

Will Specification of Version-up be provided on IA?

No. In the agreement, it is stated to deliver the current available books upon the execution of the agreement. Also, additional book orders can be made only upon the execution of the agreement, so please do not miss to order at that timing, if any.

What is Format and Logo License Agreement?

FLLA is for the development, manufacturing, use or sales of products, and to use the BD logo.

License Terms are longer, and renewable. RE1 FLLA is 10 years, and all other FLLAs are five years. They are onetime payment, which is non-refundable. Books are automatically delivered in complete set (part1, 2 and 3), not like IA. Only FLLA Licensees are qualified to get in Licensee Only Page, where you can obtain version-up info, and other necessary information.

Can FLLA be contracted without having IA?

Yes, you do not have to have IA for contracting FLLA. If you already have specific plan to develop, manufacture, or sell BD products, please proceed to take FLLA directly.

What is the fee for FLLA?

The fee for FLLA is $15,000 per each business category for RE2, RE3, R1, and R2. The maximum fee to be paid under these format agreement is $30,000. The fee for FLLA is $30,000 per each business category for ROM2.0 and ROM3.0. The maximum fee for BD-ROM 2 and BD-ROM 3, excluding the Commercial Audiovisual Content Category, is $60,000. There is also a  Format Maintenance & Development Fee of $50,000 for BD-ROM3. The fee for BD-ROM Commercial Audiovisual Content is $4,000.

For RE1.0, the fee is $30,000 for first category, $20,000 for second category and the maximum fee to be paid under format agreement is $60,000.

Can FLLA / IA be contracted without having Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) membership?

Yes, you can proceed your contract without being a member of BDA.
In case you like to have a membership of BDA, please get in contact with:

Specification books are the same for IA and FLLA?

Yes. You will get the same specification books whichever you contract, either IA or FLLA.

References and contents of these agreements available in this web site?


How soon can specification books be delivered?

Firstly, please confirm the procedure and flow of completing agreements.

After confirming the remittance of the agreement fee, it will be approximately two to three weeks for the books to reach a licensee.

Where can I find further information regarding various technical standards referred in the specification books?

You can obtain further information from respective web sites/e-mail addresses;

1. DD:

2. DTS:

3. DVB:

4. SUN:

5. MPEG2:

6. VC1:

Can the FLLA/IA/Logo License/CPA/CPA-Light agreement provisions be negotiated and modified?

No. All agreements are standard agreements and cannot be changed from one licensee to another.

How can I obtain the BD-Live Private Key and Online Certification?

First you need to send us the application for BD-Live Logo License and Online Certificate Issuance Agreement. In order to execute this agreement you either have to be a BD-ROM2 FLLA licensee for Movie Player, Game Console and/or PC application software (Type A licensee) or a content provider (Type B licensee) for its Commercial Audiovisual Content. Please note that the Commercial Audiovisual Content licensee (authoring house) is not considered as a Type B licensee.

Then the following steps have to take place.

a. Execute the BD-Live Agreement, for free. This is the final step for a Type A licensee.
b. In case of a Type B licensee, Key Delivery Agreement (KDA) will be sent for an execution.
c. The invoice of $1,000/key is sent to a licensee.
d. Upon confirmation of remittance, the key will be generated by Certificate

Authority and the data in DVD-R disc will be sent to the Type B licensee. Please note that in case of international shipping delivery, it might take a week to ten days to arrive to the licensee as DVD-R disc is often scrutinized under export control.

Where can I get more technical information on BD?

You may visit BDA Technical White Paper web site at

At this web site, you can download a wide selection of technical white papers prepared by the various Technical Working Groups of the Blu-ray Disc Association. These cover a wide range of topics, including physical specifications, file format, logical and application specifications and much more.

Where can I contact regarding AACS, BD+ and ROM Mark?

You can obtain further information from respective web sites/e-mail addresses;
Adopter Agreement with AACS LA:
Adopter Agreement with BD+ Entity:
Interim Agreement for ROM Mark: Licensors are SONY, Philips and Panasonic


How do I register an affiliated entity if a parent company has already become an FLLA licensee?

Please ask your parent company to request a “Side Letter to Register a Subsidiary” to BDA License Office and once the Side Letter is completed and signed, a subsidiary is registered as an affiliated entity.

How to obtain BD-J license?

BD-J license is included in BD-ROM license.
Please visit BD-ROM Licensee Only Page to obtain more information and application. (ID and password required)

What do I need to do if I want to use BD logo?

The BD Logo is permitted to be used only for the BD products or promotion and advertisement of BD products.

Use of BD logo for promotion and advertisement is granted for;


any promotion and advertisement for reselling BD Products that Licensee has purchased;


any promotion and advertisement for Licensee’s contents recorded in BD Products;


any promotion and advertisement for any technology adopted by or referenced in any BD Format or BD-FLLA;


manufacturing, offering for sale, selling, or otherwise disposing of packages, cases, containers or carton boxes for BD Products; and/or


manufacturing, having manufactured, distributing or otherwise disposing of free-of-charge promotion materials or items for BD Products.

If you qualify then you need to apply for Logo License Agreement (LLA).

I am already an FLLA licensee, do I need to obtain LLA?

No, you don’t need to obtain LLA as FLLA already provides you the right to use BD logo.

I am a wedding/event video photographer and shoot the HD pictures and burn on BD-R/RE discs. Can I apply for LLA?

If you burn to R or RE discs, BD Logo is not permitted to use. The reason is BD-Logo is basically used to communicate to the consumers that the products having BD-Logo is complying with BD Specification and compatible with other BD Products.

In case of contents burn on to BD-R or RE discs, there is no way we can assure the compatibility /quality of the disc.

To communicate to your customers that the disc is a BD disc, you can either use a word “Blu-ray ™” in plain letter on the label or you can design your disc, so that BD-Logo on the original blank disc is visible to the consumers.

You may use  “Blu-ray ™” in plain letter in your website/printed materials to publicize that you are providing your services using Blu-ray format.

I am a designer (subcontractor), designing a package for BD Products manufactured by BD Licensee. Can I obtain BD Logo under LLA?

No, you need to obtain BD Logo from your client, the FLLA licensee.

What other licenses are available to a content provider?

Content Participant Agreement (CPA) and Content Participant-Light are available for content providers.

What is the term and fee for CPA and CPA-Light?

The terms for both agreements are 5 years. The license fee is paid for each year for the amount of $3,000 and $500 respectively with licensing year starting March 1 regardless of when the signed date is.

How CPA and CPA-Light differ?

A notable difference between CPA and CPA-Light is that a former has a Third Party Beneficiary Right.